ExamsEmpire Guarantee
ExamsEmpire offers you high-quality products designed by experts to assist you in better understanding the exams you will sit. We also provide “demo” which are “free of cost”. Hence, we highly advise you to try out our demo to know better what you’re buying.
We care for your financial concerns;thus, we provide Money Back Guarantee- in case you fail in passing the examination after preparing from our products. You will be refunded the full amounts without any questions being asked.
We are so confident that our products help you achieve your goal; no doubt we provide you a money-back guarantee. We are sure you would see benefitting results after preparing from our materials. And if this is not the case, your purchase WILL be refunded without any inquiries.
This guarantee is to assure that our products are not faulty at all and are designed as promised. This makes it evident that we will not cover for the candidate’s fault. Which indicates; not sitting the exam. To distinguish fraudulent refund claims from our loyal customers we have made a policy. And we want to proclaim it to our customers and users for their benefit.
Payment Refund Procedure
We will need the following information from you in simple steps:
- We will need to know when you registered for the exam, so you may send your “enrollment slip” in certification exams.
- A scanned copy of your score/result.
- Order number or products purchased from us.
- Your name and payment method used.’
- You may email the above-mentioned information to our email: sales@ExamsEmpire.com
The money will be paid back within 7 days. You will either be paid back, or another product will be given a choice to acquire a new product that will assist you in exam preparation.
Payment Refund Policy
There are certain points we need to assure to avoid any fraudulent refund scams for our Money Back Guarantee.
- The candidate studied from our material for at least 7 days before the exam.
- The candidate did not attend the examination due to personal reasons.
- Your purchase was made within the last 30 days. The guarantee will no longer be applicable after 30 days of the purchase date.
- Your claim will not be validated on outdated exam materials. The Money Back policy does not apply to Outdated Exam Material.
Candidates who availed of the outdated materials that are updated by our ExamsEmpire teams will not be able to claim a refund.
- Our Guarantee Policy does not apply to Adobe, Nutanix, SalesForce, and SSCP exams.
- In case you grab the product for free, or on any promotions at a lower price, you cannot claim a refund.
- The exams available online with a proctor do not stand for a refund. This includes all “non-proctored” products.
- Anyone who used our current product to sit a former exam i.e retired exam, cannot claim a refund. Money Back Guarantee is not for Pre-Order exams.
- Money Back Guarantee will not be applicable on bundles or packages.
- ExamsEmpire.com reserves all right to explanations for the above-mentioned conditions, and others that have not been mentioned but are relevant to Money Back Guarantee Policy.